
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reality TV

Ok, I admit it.  I may be a bit addicted to reality tv.  I have debated cutting back the cable to just because I think they overcharge and think we would all be better off watching less tv...BUT...I'm not sure I can live without my Bravo tv and those crazy housewives!  Ok, I might survive, but I'm not sure I would be laughing as much.  Those women are crazy.  Totally crazy and I can't stop watching the train wrecks.  :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Don't blink!

I can't believe how fast my baby is growing...not really a baby anymore.  I think he is now considered a toddler and it kills me every day.  Every time I see a boy riding a bike on the street I think, my son will be a boy like that in the future.  I see high school and college age boys in the store and think he will be that age too and I just can't imagine it. I can't believe how fast time has gone by in the last year and I wish it would just slow down.  I want to freeze time so I can enjoy every second, every giggle and every cuddle.

While working on Max's sleep habits(most of which are our habits) we found that we miss taking him into the guest bed to sleep to comfort him.  We know he won't be this small forever.  There is just something too sweet about the way he will look over at us and touch our arm or our face.  Now if only we had a bigger, less lumpy bed, we wouldn't have to go to the guest bed, and we could all enjoy this special time that I know won't last. 

I decided we have to get the video camera out at least once a week to get all of the little cute things recorded since Max is changing so fast.  I keep trying to get a picture of Max hugging the dog...hasn't worked yet.  Then I kept calling Daren into the room to see the new pucker face he did tonight, but he would stop the second Daren looked.  He is changing so fast I'm afraid to blink...I don't want to miss anything!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

House in transition

As I mentioned before, we moved into a new house last July.  A couple days after we moved I gave birth.  Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of time to get the house in order, decorate, or make any changes.  The house is in need of a lot of updating and we have been struggling to find the time to do it, even now.  After working all day, all we want to do is be able to spend time with our sweet baby because he won't be this little for long. 

So I have been working on removing wallpaper in the kitchen(that has been on the walls since the house was built) in any extra time I have on my lunch...hahaha  10 min here, 20 min there, maybe a little longer if nobody is sick and we have time during one of Max's naps on the weekend.  So months have passed and almost all of the kitchen no longer has wall paper(not like it is a big area).  I am almost done getting the glue off and hopefully this weekend or next, we will be able to get the walls patched where it is needed and start getting primer and paint on.  I can't wait for that part, but right now I'm still stuck in glue...

It's exciting though, thinking about everything we want to change and all of the possibilities.  Of course everything I would love to do is beyond what we want to pay, so we have to change things slowly and as inexpensively as I can.  I can tell my tastes have changed.  So another challenge is trying to figure out what I like now, and have it be child friendly at the same time.  I need one of those HGTV shows to come help me out!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Full Moon

Happy Tuesday!  There is a full moon tonight and last night I got the best night sleep in a long time.  I should say that Max got his best night sleep in a long time.  I think it is because he was born under a full moon(in a hospital, of course).  Apparently, it was the smallest full moon of the year.  I think that little fact is too cute to pass up. 

We have been working on some new things to help Max sleep better and through the night.  Will talk more about that later, but last night was great and I think we all needed it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new

I finally got excited about the new car.  I drove my old car to the dealership and I was feeling ok about letting go of it.  I was good until we were driving out of the lot in the new car and I was looking at the old car in the mirror.  Then I cried.  I shed a few tears and thought I was done about a block or two up the road.  I had moved on with no looking back...until Daren told me that he left some books in the car and we had to go back!  What?!  I have to leave the lot once again seeing the car in the mirror?!  I felt like I got a do-over and did much better the second time...thankfully. 

Now I am trying to find out what the personality of the new car is.  It's a little smaller than my old car...and hey, who doesn't want to be a little smaller?  I know I do!  I am excited that I am finally losing some of my baby weight and hope that it keeps up.  I stayed the same weight for so long...about 20 lbs more than my pre-baby weight.  And since Max started walking, and me chasing after him non-stop, I started losing a little.  With the help of some daycare cooties I lost a few more and now only have 10 more pounds to lose to get back to where I was before. 

The car also fits in with what Daren and I have been talking about lately.  We are trying to get away from the more, more, bigger attitude and are trying to cut back where we can and get rid of things we don't need or don't love to make life easier, simpler and in the end more enjoyable. Ok, so we probably could have gotten away with out buying a brand new car, but we are hoping to have it for 10 years so in the end it fit with what we needed and wanted.

The car will get it's real test this week.  I have to take some things to my Mother's house for a garage sale and I'll get to see exactly how much I can fit into it.  My expectations are high.

I had one other new event happen this weekend.  Last night when Max woke up at his usual time, about 1-2 hours after we put him down for the night, he woke up and instead of just crying, he started crying "Mama"!  And of course I had been feeling under the weather(darn cooties again) and Daren got up to take care of him :(  I felt bad that the first time he called my name I didn't go take care of him.  But I know he loves his Daddy just as much and was just as happy to have him there to help him back to sleep.  Thank you Daddy.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The beginning...

And so it begins...  My first blog and my first blog post!  My life has changed so much in the past few years I felt like I needed to start a blog for several reasons.  My main reason lately seems to be that life is passing by so quickly and my memory does not seem to be keeping up.  My craving to remember every moment has never been stronger...so here I am.

So much has gone on the the past few years...major changes.  Great changes!  I moved back to my hometown in Illinois from Kentucky, where I had been living for 13 years.  Bought a house, met a man, fell in love, moved in together, got pregnant, moved into a bigger house, had my first child (a couple days later), lost my beloved dog, then finally sold my old house after about 10 months.

Tomorrow brings another change that I have mixed emotions about.  We are getting a new car and trading in my car.  It is a good time for us to do this and I look forward to being in a new car...but I'm having a hard time letting go of my old car.  It has been like a good friend.  Taking me and my dog everywhere we needed to go.  My car had lots of room and helped myself and friends move several times.  I was constantly amazed how much I could shove in there!

Apparently it has been a while since I really cleaned out the car, so yesterday when I was cleaning one of the back windows, I had some serious emotions as I wiped off some smudge spots that were obviously from my dogs nose.  I had so many great memories of her in that car, running around panting like crazy.  Oh the mess her hair and drool made! 

So now I have to focus on the good memories that will come with the new car and my son(oh and my man of course).  I wonder if I'm the only one to have such an attachment to a car.  Probably not!  But to a car my mom used to call my "ugly baby"? :)  I think I felt like my car was an extension of my personality.  Not traditional in any way, really flexible, and just comfortable...oh and maybe a little funky.  Wonder how I will feel about the new car.  I guess I'll soon find out!