
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Busy Busy Bee

Wow what a busy weekend we had.  It has carried over to this week and I think there may be no stopping the momentum at this point until a week after Thanksgiving.  We had family pictures taken.  I would be surprised if we get any shots back with Max actually smiling.  It is really rare for us to capture it with a camera.  He is usually very focused on something like playing or trying to get the camera that it just never works out.  Or the picture is super blurry because he is so active.

I also got to visit with my cousin Rachel who dropped off some Christmas stockings I asked her to make for me.  I saw some online that were a lot more than I wanted to pay and asked her if she could make them.  They were so good and I think they look exactly like the ones I saw online.  She did a wonderful job and I can't wait to see them up on the wall.

After that I went to the Chambanamoms birthday bash.  I got to visit with some local moms, have a bit of wine and had a good time.

Back at home, we are still trying to get back to our latest version of normal.  Ever since the last round of illness we have been going back through the sleep training process...or my version of it anyway.  Last night I only had to go into his room once for a few minutes and that was it.  He woke up a few times after that, but put himself back to sleep quickly.  I think I only checked the monitor once or twice after getting up.

I think the little man may be going through a growth spurt.  He is definitely eating much better than he had been.  I have been impressed several times this week already.  Especially that he seemed to really enjoy eating lima beans.  His daddy on the other hand does not share that feeling :)  I however, like them just fine.

There have been a few more changes too.  In the last couple weeks, Max has started talking like crazy.  Not just single words, but babbling like he really has something to say.  He talks a lot!  I wish I knew what he was saying though.  I'm sure it would be interesting.  I guess I will have to start watching what I say very soon.  My mom says that she thinks she heard him singing the other day.  I haven't seen it yet, but I can't wait to see that one.

I won't even go into all of the odd things going on so far Monday and Tuesday...not having the best luck and I would be willing to bet that there is a full moon soon.  I just hope it passes and our luck changes a bit..and quickly!  I need to keep moving forward instead of hitting walls and having to figure out how to get around them.

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