
Friday, October 29, 2010

Photo Friday

Ok Grandma, I know I didn't get any pictures up last week....so here you go!

Time for my snack!  Got in the chair all by myself too.

Who cares about a picture with Mommy...let me see that camera!

Daddy is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Well...I FINALLY made a little progress on our kitchen.  I got some of it primed and I started putting some paint on during my lunch break on Monday.  I only got a tiny bit done, but later that night Daren and I both agreed that we didn't like the color...UGH.  So now I have to stop and wait until we figure out what color we want now.  I was really wanting to have that decision made since we are also now trying to make a decision about flooring.  We would love to have everything done by Thanksgiving, but the way we make decisions, I don't think it is going to happen. 

The house isn't the only thing that is changing.  Max refuses to stay the same...I keep asking him to stay my little boy forever, but it clearly won't happen since he has a mind of his own.  Bath time is now much smoother and he gets very excited to get his bath.  He usually beats me into the bathroom running and sometimes giggling.  He knows he has to get his earplugs in and rarely gives me any trouble when I try to put them in.  I have even asked him what else we needed to do before he got in.  I was thinking taking off his diaper, but he pointed to his ears :)

I have to say that I am still amazed by some of the behavior he learns at daycare.  We don't always make him stay in his chair when he eats, so sometimes we put his morning waffle on a table and he goes to get pieces of it when he wants leaving the plate on the table.  We even use glass plates and he is so good about it.  Twice I have let him sit on the floor on a plastic mat to eat part of his dinner and he will sit on the mat when he is eating and leaves the plate on the mat. 

Last week he starting picking up washrags and paper towels and blowing his nose in them.  I had to laugh last night when Daren left his napkin in his chair and went to the other room to get something.  Max saw it, grabbed it and blew his nose into it 5 times and then went to put it back on the chair.  :)  I thought he was going to leave it as a present for Daddy, but he picked it up again and I ended up getting it and throwing it away.  You're welcome Daddy!

Of course with the good(sleeping is still going so much better) comes the bad.  Separation anxiety is happening more often lately.  Mostly with Mommy, but every day this week he has cried when Daren dropped him off at daycare because the usual morning teacher is on vacation this week.  Poor thing.  I'm glad he has a positive attachment to one of the teachers though.  It really helps that he likes to go in the morning and he has no problem telling me "bye-bye" and blowing me kisses in the morning.  I think the funniest part is if he happens to still have his pacifier in his mouth when it is time to leave and I tell him to give me the paci because he is going to school and he pops it out and puts it in my hand without pausing.  Hopefully this will mean that when it is time to give it up for good it will be easier.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sleep update

Well, we are doing so much better.  In the last several days Max has, with one exception, slept the whole night in his crib.  Woo Hoo!  He is also no longer waking up every night an hour after he was put down.  He did have one night that I had to go in several times and rub his back and one night when he cried a lot and Daren finally decided to take him to the guest bed where he slept soundly the rest of the night. 

Such a big improvement, I don't want to be prematurely happy, but I will take what I can get!!!  I'm just grateful for every night that Max sleeps well.  Thankfully his health has also been better, and I know this helps a lot.  Some times I miss the times when he was in bed with me and he would quietly just look over and gently touch my face.  Sooo sweet.  I know that getting his sleep is way more important than any of that time is for me, so my mission continues to train Max to be a good sleeper and get as much restful sleep as he can.  Now if I could get him to sleep with a blanket on him it would make my day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Here's to good health!

I recently got good news from my Dr.  I am pretty happy and am now on a new mission to improve and maintain my health.  I promise to take my vitamins, eat better and continue trying to get more exercise.

It all started a couple weeks ago when Max was sick...once again...and we found out a few days later that he had Hand Foot and Mouth Disease again. The next day I had a fever and Daren wasn't feeling well and looked to be getting a cold.  I just felt a little bad. That was Wed.  On Saturday we went to a birthday dinner and that is when the headache really started.  I went home and took some Advil but it didn't help. I woke up the next morning with a really bad headache.  I was down most of the day and was grateful when my parents offered to watch Max for a while.

Sunday night I barely slept, I was in a lot of pain and the nearly unbearable nausea lasted most of the night.  By the morning I knew I had to go to the hospital.  At this point I could barely think straight and I was super light sensitive and only wanted to keep my eyes closed.  All I knew was that I needed relief and I needed it now.

Mom got me to the hospital and they gave me a shot for the pain.  I thought it would work quicker, but it took about an hour to give me some relief.  They asked me alot of questions about my pain, which I described as my helmet of pain since it hurt from under my eyes, all the way back and down my neck.  Plus it hurt to move my eyes.  If I tried to look to the side I felt pulling and pain behind my eyes.  They decided to do a CT scan to see if I was having a bleed in my brain.  Then they said that to be sure, they needed to do a spinal tap.  I asked to think about it for a few minutes.  I was scared of having it done, but since this was the worst headache I have ever had, I thought it would be best just to rule it out.

So they did the spinal tap and it was uncomfortable, but I made it through.  Just after, Daren showed up as well as my Stepdad.  It took a little while for the tests to start coming back and I just had to lay still.  They said the spinal column had to replace the fluid they had taken so I had to lay still and flat for a few hours.  My blood pressure had dropped a little and they wanted to give me fluids and started an IV.  One of the 4 attempts made was in the wrist and to be honest was more painful than the spinal tap!  I'm not sure how long it took, but I was feeling better and was sure that they were going to release me when the Dr. came in and asked me who my primary care Dr. was again and said he would call her and be right back.  I didn't know what to think but knew that wasn't a good sign.  My mom tried to eavesdrop and said, I think you are going to be admitted.  Since they had told me they were checking for a bleed, that is what I thought I had.

The Dr. came back in and said, "We're going to admit you to the hospital, you have Meningitis".  I don't think he said much after that and I went a little blank.  I thought I was going to die.  I knew someone who had died from Meningitis and knew it worked fast.  I was just...blank.  I asked Daren to go call my boss to let her know I would be out the next day and to call Max's pediatrician to see if he needed to take Max to the Dr.  I was praying they would not have to do a spinal tap on him.

I was still a little blank until Daren came back and told me that the Dr. said that if I had the viral kind then I could still hold Max, but she didn't want me sleeping in the same bed with him for a few days.  Well that snapped me out of my shock quickly and I started tearing up.  The thought that I could not hold my son really upset me.  In case I had the bacterial kind of Meningitis, which can kill you in 24 hours, they started loading me up on antibiotics.  I'm not sure how long after that another Dr came in and started asking a lot of questions to see if they could tell from that if I had viral or bacterial Meningitis.  I think by this time they thought it was viral and were waiting for the tests to come back to confirm that. 

They told me that they were going to be running a lot of tests and not to be surprised.  That if it is viral, I could have gotten it because of some underlying issue.  They wanted to test me for a ton of stuff, from Lupus and MS, to West Nile.  When the Neurologist came in to look at me the next night, he said he wanted to get me out of there, that there were worse things I could get while in the hospital and to follow up with my Dr. in 7-10 days.

So I was a little anxious and waited until Monday, called the Dr's office and asked about the test results.  They said they would call me back, but didn't until Tues morning.  The nurse said she didn't feel comfortable interpreting the results and could get me in late in the day with the Dr.  That made me nervous too...I mean why couldn't they give me good results over the phone, unless it wasn't good.  Thankfully the Dr. just wanted to check me out and said that all of my tests were negative, except one.  The test for Rheumatoid Arthritis showed one little point outside the normal range, nothing to worry about though.  Woo Hoo...no major issues.

So now the mission begins...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Funny boy

Recently I noticed something happen for the first time.  Max was working on his comedy trying to make Mommy laugh.  It started while I was getting his dinner ready and he was playing with a plastic bowl.  At one point I had it and put it over my mouth and made some noise so it would have a different sound.  He decided to try it, put his whole face in and started babbling.  I had to laugh.  He saw me, did it again and looked at me waiting to see my reaction.  I smiled and laughed again...and so it continued.  You could tell that he was enjoying my reaction and that was my favorite part...the look on his face.  So sweet.

He did the same thing in the bath that night.  He was having a good time moving his legs back and forth making a good size splash and he kept pausing and looking at me to see what my reaction was.  I wished Daddy was home that night to see it.  Too cute.  He is such a Mommy's boy lately.  I feel bad for Daddy though.  He will ask Max to come over and give him a hug and instead he will run over to me. 

There have just been so many changes lately I can barely keep up.  He is trying to say just about anything you ask him to say.  He just starting saying "no" and shaking his head...I see trouble coming from this one :)  My favorite is some of the things they teach him in daycare that they don't tell me about and I find out on my own.  The cutest is when I started singing a song that I didn't know they sang at daycare..."I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee..." and when I started singing he held his hands together in front of him and started moving them from side to side.  I LOVE IT!  So stinking cute we have to get it on video soon.

Good news too...Max slept again the whole night in his crib and I didn't get up at all to help him back to sleep.  He still moved around quite a bit.  I actually turned the monitor down a bit so I could try to be a little less obsessive about checking the video monitor every time I hear him move or grumble.  Now if we can only get him to sleep more soundly at night.  I personally think he is overtired since he had to move from 2 naps to 1 a day at daycare.  Plus we found out yesterday that he is slightly anemic and will need to take some supplements, so perhaps that will help him too. But for now I'm glad we are making progress!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

It's a tooth!

I was so worried about Max getting sick again having a low fever this weekend...then last night we found it...a new tooth trying to poke out.  I tried to feel the other day for a new tooth and all I got was a good bite on my finger.  But last night during bath time while he had his mouth wide open I could see the little bit of white where I ad been expecting to see a tooth for a long time.  I mean he could still be getting sick with the move to a new room in daycare and exposure to new cooties, but I think this is what we have been seeing this weekend.

He was late getting his first tooth at 9 months and at 15 months this will be his 8th tooth, they seemed to be coming in pairs until the last one...so I have been looking for this one to come in for probably a few months.  Still waiting on the molars to come in and I hear that isn't a fun time to be around, but I'll have to keep an eye out now.

Now if we can only get him to sleep more soundly!  Last night he spent the whole night in his crib, but it was definitely not a sound sleep and he was making noise about every hour.  It's not easy for me to fall asleep, so I was awake a lot.  Finally, an hour or so before it was time to get up, I went into the guest bed by myself and wish I had done it much earlier.  Since it was Daren's night to take care of Max he had the monitor next to him, but it was pretty loud.  I may have to do the same thing tomorrow night.  I have just been so exhausted lately, I'm not sure what else to do.  I'm going to have to wait until next year to take a vacation, and I'm pretty sure that is what we need right now.  Ah vacation...just the word sounds soooo good.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mom guilt

I have a serious case of guilt today that would not have happened before I had my child.  It is a beautiful day out and I have absolutely no energy.  None whatsoever.  I have a list of things to do and my Max is visiting with my parents for a few hours so I have the time...I just have no energy to move and I feel very guilty about doing nothing.

I just sit here thinking of all the things I need to do and how much I do want to get them done, but I don't...or maybe can't do them today.  Is it due to my recent illness, lack of sleep from the child that rarely sleeps through the night and is sick so much, diet, no time to exercise?  Could be any of these.  Or could it be that I waited until I was 35 to have a child?  Ugh.  Too much to think about.

I have been on a mission to change Max's sleep habits and I'm sure it will happen, when is another question.  And after being sick I am now more concerned with my health and taking care of myself.  I am taking vitamins and I promised myself today that I will start eating better tomorrow.  Not that I eat that poorly...I don't, I just know there is room to change.  Today I am eating a lot of crap today. 

This week one of my goals is not to drink any soda.  I don't drink much of it anyway, but I really want to quit all together.  I think the hardest part is when we eat pizza, which we do about once a week.  Tough.  Pizza and coke just go together so well.

I'm always open to suggestions, so if anyone else has experienced something similar and found something that helped, let me know.

Sleep update

Well my hopes for a healthy weekend to aid in our new sleep mission didn't quite work out.  Yesterday Max had a fever and was just not feeling well last night.  He did however go to sleep on his own and wake up several times, never called out or cried and went back to sleep on his own.  I know because I was watching the video monitor like crazy to make sure he was ok.  Then at 2:30, after being awake for a good while and not being able to go back to sleep he stood up and started to cry lightly so I went in to help him get back to sleep, but could tell he needed some medicine because his fever had gotten higher.

I got up with him, got him some medicine, changed his diaper, put some lighter pj's on him and took him into the guest bed.  I guess part of being a mom is the paranoia.  I was completely paranoid that the place where he cut his lip when he fell at daycare Friday would become infected.  Just thinking about it made me want to keep him with me.  Yes I am a little crazy :)  Not all the time I promise...oh no...am I turning into my mom???!!!

Tonight will be better...I'm just sure of it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sleep update

I began the first part of step 1 this afternoon.  I put Max down for his nap while he was awake.  I did go in 2x to get his pacifier that he threw on the floor, but the last time I did not.  It took him a while to fall asleep, at least 20 minutes, but he did it...and without his pacifier.  Now that was something to be excited about!

Surprisingly, last night Daren only had to go in twice to rub his back to help him to sleep.  But he didn't have to pick him up and that was wonderful.  When Max woke up after 5am though, Daren did take him in the guest bed so he could sleep in a bit himself.  I woke up too, but went back to sleep and was shocked when I woke up and realized it was 7:30.  Now that is sleeping in for me and I loved it!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Photo Friday

It was just too sunny out to get a smile!!!

Big Daddy and our little man.

 Me and my little man.

Sleep update

So I got to read more of the book I got and it had a few suggestions I wanted to try.  First of all I have to say that I decided not to let Max "cry it out" this week.  He just started in a new class in daycare and he is so very tired in the evenings and adding another change from the usual is just too much for him right now.  But I still was committed to not taking him into the guest bed and sleeping with him unless he was sick. 

So last night he did a little better than his usual.  Instead of waking up at 8:20 he waited until 11:30.  I went in to help him.  His pacifier was on the floor, so I got that and held him for a very short time and helped him get back to sleep.  I went back to bed thinking that was way too easy.  I was right...he woke up maybe 30-45 minutes later and this one was hard.  I knew he had a little gas and I tried to sit in the chair in his room and help him back to sleep, but he was so squirmy that I thought he was going to throw himself out of my arms and onto the hardwood floor.  We struggled for a long time and I'll just say it...I had cramps...so I caved.  I just wanted to lay down and so I took him to the guest bed where he cried and got mad at me for moving him repeatedly from on top of me to the side of me so he wouldn't roll off the bed.  I feel bad, but I just didn't feel a lot of sympathy and frustration was more like it. 

I think because of this frustration I tried something different.  I waited until he fell asleep, then instead of waiting an hour to make sure he was asleep, I waited only about 5 minutes and then took him back to his crib.  Miraculously, it worked and he slept the rest of the night in his crib.  Of course by this time it was hard for me to get back to sleep, but that is a problem that will have to wait.  In the end I think he was up the second time for about an hour, maybe a bit less and I think I was back to bed around 1:30am.  We'll see how it goes this weekend.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ahhh sleep

Well I had intended on taking on Max duty last night again and while I started getting Max ready for bed I started feeling like I was going to be sick, so I asked Daren if he would go ahead and take care of Max if he woke up.  Good news...he only woke up once when his pacifier fell from the crib and Daren went in to get it and help him back to sleep.  He went back to sleep quickly and slept the rest of the night!!! 

I know he has the ability to sleep at night and I know he was on the right track before he started getting all of the cooties and ear infections, so hopefully his immune system will keep getting stronger and we can continue seeing sleeping through the night.  I know we all need it.

In the meantime, I will continue to read the sleep book that was recommended to me so I can be prepared on how exactly I will handle the night wakings.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Baby needs some sleep!

Last night I got to go out to be at my Mom's group's open house.  It was my night to watch Max and I know Daren was hoping that he would sleep until I got home, but he has a strong track record of waking up an hour after we put him down.  Apparently last night was no different.

I got home to a dark house and found Daddy and baby asleep in the guest bed.  I woke Daren up and told him I would take over and he told me that he had to carry Max around for 20 minutes because he was crying so hard and he thought he might have had gas pain.  I never heard him do anything like it the rest of the night so I hope that it passed or it wasn't gas at all, because I think I've hit my limit on this not sleeping without us issue and am ready to put an end to it. 

I tried at about 1:30am to put him back in his crib and he stayed there for about 30 minutes(I think).  Then he started stirring and wasn't happy when I came in after a couple minutes to try to soothe him back to sleep.  He expected me to pick him up and take him out of the crib and when I didn't he reacted like he normally does lately when he doesn't get his way immediately.  Eventually he figured out what was happening and he laid down.  I know he tried to get back to sleep, but he kept looking up to see if I was still there and if I wasn't, it started all over again.  After an hour I finally gave up to take him to the guest bed. 

I made a vow, however that this was the last time.  Even though I am only 16 pages into the sleep book I am reading, I'm ready for a change.  So tonight I will be more prepared and will sleep on the floor of his room if I have to in order to keep him in his crib.  I'm thinking of taking the sheets off the guest bed to keep us from taking him in there.  We have given up way too easy.  Plus I am no longer worried about him crying it out, I don't like hearing him cry, but I'm at my wits end.

So the question is...am I strong enough not to cave?

Monday, October 11, 2010

I miss sleep!

I was so excited last week.  I told the little one that I was getting a book from the library on how to help him sleep so he should probably just sleep the whole night in his crib.  I told him they probably were going to tell us to make him cry it out and that didn't sound like fun so he should just get to it on his own. 

Ok, I realize that he is only 15 months old and none of this made any sense to him.  I probably sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher, but oh well.  Somebody had to warn him and I figured that since he loves me more than anyone else :) it might as well be me.

So he had 2 good nights and I thought we were turning a corner until everything went out the window last night and neither one of us got much sleep last night.  He wasn't feeling well and had a few blow outs yesterday while visiting his grandparents.  They were so unprepared I wish I could have been a fly on the wall as they tried to clean up the house and themselves.  Sounded a bit chaotic with tales of poop on the floor and trying to hose the boy down in the shower and all of them getting wet.

I ended up worried about him being sick overnight and I kept watching the monitor to see if he was ok and thought if he woke up I would go check his diaper.  So at 11:30 when I heard him drop his pacifier on the floor and saw him sitting up for a minute, I thought I would go check....BIG MISTAKE!!!!!  Diaper was perfectly dry.  I then tried to get him back to sleep and just as I was about to leave the room Daren ran into a door in the other room and freaked Max out.  He was so awake I had to hold him for almost 2 hours, ended up having to change his diaper twice because of all of it and then finally got him to sleep in the guest bed with me.  For a little while anyway.

Then the gas started with the tossing and turning until about 3am when he woke up, upset with me for moving him away from the edge of the bed(how dare I??!) and he began screaming and thrashing about...for I don't know how long.  I had to hold him in bed until he angrily cried himself to sleep in my arms.  I was so tired at this point that when Daren came in to get me up 2 hours later I startled because I was finally asleep and in the middle of a dream finally.  I felt like I was in a total fog...then I forgot to turn the fan on in the bathroom and got out of the shower to a real fog!

So I am totally tired tonight.  It is approaching 8 and I really wanted to go to bed an hour ago, but told myself I would wait until 8 so I felt less guilty.  Tomorrow night I am back to trying to read that sleep book.  I'm on a mission!  I could never let Max cry it out, but at this point I am willing to try anything.  Seriously.  We have to get this taken care of and get him back on track.  That baby needs his sleep and I don't want him to be a poor sleeper all of his life.  Plus, I think I might enjoy being well rested.  I vaguely remember it and I'm pretty sure it was a nice feeling. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Photo Friday

Wait...that box wasn't there when I left the room a minute ago!  I guess he was really intent on helping reduce the electric bill.  Thank you sweet boy.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Ok, I'm not Catholic, but for some reason I feel the need to confess...
  • I only recently began writing anything at all in my 15 mo. old's baby book (was it planned that his first meals of solid foods happened on holidays so it was easy to remember?)
  • Sometimes the newspapers sit on the front porch for 3 days before I remember to go get them(I guess this happens when they call me and tell me it is cheaper to get it all week rather than just on the weekends)
  • I don't recycle.  I know I should and would like to start, but like everything else in my life right now...where to start...
  • I will eat just about anything for breakfast...I hate to let leftovers go to waste.
  • I really enjoy giving my son his nightly bottle and letting him fall asleep on my shoulder.  I want to get him off the bottle, but I love the way he takes a break, puts his pacifier in his mouth, then takes it out and just opens his mouth like a baby bird when he wants me to put the bottle back to his mouth again.
  • While there were many days when I really enjoyed the special time I had when breastfeeding, I was jealous of the mothers who formula fed and didn't have to pump.
  • Most days, the only reason I put on makeup is because I have to pick my son up from daycare and don't want to look like the laziest person on earth because I'm not.  I find it hard to believe that any mother of an infant/toddler could be called lazy.
  • Some days I go to bed at 8.
  • I don't cook often, I need to learn and never have a clue at the store what to buy
  • I feed my son the Gerber Graduates meals more than I care to mention...I'll never tell.
  • I hate shopping for clothes and groceries. 
  • Sometimes when I need a chocolate fix, I pour the Hershey's syrup straight into my mouth. Yes, Daren, I really do :)
  • Many times I leave my clean clothes in a chair in the bedroom and just get my clothes every day from the pile rather than putting it away.  I'm getting better about this with a new habit I'm working on though.
  • I will use the soap until I am scraping it off the soap shelf unless Daren replaces it.  It's true, I'm cheap, and it's just one of the many little ways I try to save money so I can spend it on more important things.
  • Similarly, I won't throw away a lotion container until I have gotten every last drop out.
  • I hate spending money on myself, and prefer spending money on others. 
  • I like watching reality tv, not all of it, some of it really is junk food for the mind. 
  •  Ironing?  I'm sorry, what is an iron?   ;)  If I don't get the chance to get the clothes out of the dryer I will turn it on again to get the wrinkles out.  And yes I have done that a few times to the same load in the past.
  •  I often think of the time when Max will grow up and go out on his own and I can't stand it.  He is growing up too fast as it is.  I would do just about anything to slow time down.  But I don't want to be one of those mothers who can't let go...

      Tuesday, October 5, 2010

      Lawn Mower

      I'm not sure what happened with Max.  For a while he was trying to say several words, a lot that started with a "B", like bird, ball, bye-bye, Bob (my parents cat) and book.  Then it just seemed like it stopped.  He was using his pacifier a bit more at home, but even when he didn't have it, he wasn't doing much but making animal sounds.  He was using the sign language that he gets taught at daycare, so he was still communicating, just seemed like he took a break from talking.

      Then all of a sudden, about 2 weeks ago, we were out on a family walk and Max pointed to a riding lawn mower that was partially covered up and said something that surprised me.  He was trying to say lawn mower!  OK, it sounds like he is saying "monmor" but he definitely knows what he is talking about.  Since he has been able to crawl, he loves to watch Daddy out the window when he is mowing the lawn.  So now he is saying it all the time.  I really have to get it recorded it is so cute.

      Now he is trying to say all kinds of words, squirrel, socks, shoes, out, walk, yogurt, rock, dog, bath...  Of course nothing sounds quite like the words yet, but boy is he trying.  It's like a light bulb went off and nothing is going to stop him.  I thought he might be delayed due to his hearing problems before he got the tubes put in his ears, but if it was, he is certainly trying to make up for it now!  We have just gotten to the point, where we even have to spell some words like walk because he really loves to go for a walk.  Oh my baby is turning into such a big boy!

      Monday, October 4, 2010

      Mom knows everything

      Mom knows everything...except when she doesn't!  Oh and this momma had to do some apologizing last week.  I really did have a good excuse, I mean I was in the hospital!  Plus they said it could affect clear thinking and make me irritable.  But when it came down to it, I got irritable about something I was wrong about, and I felt bad.  So I apologized.

      I love to be right, it's true.  I'm not sure I know anyone who likes to be wrong!  Thankfully, when I am clearly wrong, I don't have a problem admitting it and apologizing for it.  I am human and I'm in no way perfect.  Trying to be perfect just sounds way too exhausting to me! 

      Even though I like being right, I certainly don't like reinventing the wheel.  When I don't know something I will usually try to ask others that I think might know and of course asking my mom.  What frustrates her is when I ask her for advice and end up doing the exact opposite.  I know she thinks I do this on purpose, but I don't.  I just like to hear other opinions and the reasons behind them and take that into account when I make my final decision.  I think in my mind it will help me make up my decision, but I probably already have my decision made, don't realize it, and am just looking for support for it. 

      I really like to think things over, take my time and then move forward.  I'm not sure if I was ever really a spur of the moment kind of girl.  Oh sure, I have been at times in the past, but not overall.  Sometimes I get frustrated by all of the choices when I go grocery shopping, so I just leave without buying something that I might have wanted to get.  And buying our house and latest car was hard.  We made an offer on our house the same day we looked at it.  I'm really glad we did, but I had to be talked into it.  I didn't think it was a bad decision, but I just wanted to make sure it was the right one. I wasn't sure about the new car until we got a new stroller and I had to make sure it fit like I wanted...ok, I have to take the back wheels off to make it fit like I wanted, but it does and really that is all that matters :) 

      So do these admissions mean I will feel any better about being wrong?  NO WAY!  If I say something wrong and realize it...but a part of it is right... you better believe I'm going to focus on that part!  Oh and if you are reading this Daren, you should just operate on the assumption that I am right.  It is just easier that way :)

      Friday, October 1, 2010


      I absolutely love the Fall.  I love seeing the leaves changing colors, although I hate to see them actually fall.  Wouldn't it be great if they could stay on the trees all year with those vibrant colors?  I will say that this last spring was our first in this house and the flowering trees out front were just so beautiful(for a couple weeks).  So I do look forward to seeing the trees flowering again.  But I sure love the Fall!

      I'm just not a hot weather girl.  I don't know if this is something that will change in the future, but right now I don't like the really hot weather.  So now that the temp. has dropped a bit and I really want to get out and take walks and go to the park, but just like this summer, I feel like my life has been hijacked by illness.  I think we have only had a few weeks of being healthy this summer.  It is making me crazy! 

      Yesterday I tried to get back to work, but my body protested.  So I layed flat on my back on my entire lunch yesterday and looked out the window watching moms in the neighborhood push strollers and wagons by and I was so jealous.  So I will stay positive, get lots of rest today and hope that by next week I am feeling better and the tests come back with the best results.  Because I can't miss out on this weather!!!  We are dying to take Max to see some pumpkins!