So I got to read more of the book I got and it had a few suggestions I wanted to try. First of all I have to say that I decided not to let Max "cry it out" this week. He just started in a new class in daycare and he is so very tired in the evenings and adding another change from the usual is just too much for him right now. But I still was committed to not taking him into the guest bed and sleeping with him unless he was sick.
So last night he did a little better than his usual. Instead of waking up at 8:20 he waited until 11:30. I went in to help him. His pacifier was on the floor, so I got that and held him for a very short time and helped him get back to sleep. I went back to bed thinking that was way too easy. I was right...he woke up maybe 30-45 minutes later and this one was hard. I knew he had a little gas and I tried to sit in the chair in his room and help him back to sleep, but he was so squirmy that I thought he was going to throw himself out of my arms and onto the hardwood floor. We struggled for a long time and I'll just say it...I had I caved. I just wanted to lay down and so I took him to the guest bed where he cried and got mad at me for moving him repeatedly from on top of me to the side of me so he wouldn't roll off the bed. I feel bad, but I just didn't feel a lot of sympathy and frustration was more like it.
I think because of this frustration I tried something different. I waited until he fell asleep, then instead of waiting an hour to make sure he was asleep, I waited only about 5 minutes and then took him back to his crib. Miraculously, it worked and he slept the rest of the night in his crib. Of course by this time it was hard for me to get back to sleep, but that is a problem that will have to wait. In the end I think he was up the second time for about an hour, maybe a bit less and I think I was back to bed around 1:30am. We'll see how it goes this weekend.
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