
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mom guilt

I have a serious case of guilt today that would not have happened before I had my child.  It is a beautiful day out and I have absolutely no energy.  None whatsoever.  I have a list of things to do and my Max is visiting with my parents for a few hours so I have the time...I just have no energy to move and I feel very guilty about doing nothing.

I just sit here thinking of all the things I need to do and how much I do want to get them done, but I don't...or maybe can't do them today.  Is it due to my recent illness, lack of sleep from the child that rarely sleeps through the night and is sick so much, diet, no time to exercise?  Could be any of these.  Or could it be that I waited until I was 35 to have a child?  Ugh.  Too much to think about.

I have been on a mission to change Max's sleep habits and I'm sure it will happen, when is another question.  And after being sick I am now more concerned with my health and taking care of myself.  I am taking vitamins and I promised myself today that I will start eating better tomorrow.  Not that I eat that poorly...I don't, I just know there is room to change.  Today I am eating a lot of crap today. 

This week one of my goals is not to drink any soda.  I don't drink much of it anyway, but I really want to quit all together.  I think the hardest part is when we eat pizza, which we do about once a week.  Tough.  Pizza and coke just go together so well.

I'm always open to suggestions, so if anyone else has experienced something similar and found something that helped, let me know.

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