
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So much to do...

Time flies and I'm not so sure it's because of fun!  Last week Daren got strep throat.  I'm still praying that Max and I don't get it.  His mom was in town for several days and I missed out on Black Friday shopping because of the cooties.  Then Sunday Max fell and bite his lip on the inside and outside and did a bit of bleeding, but after that slowed down we knew he would be ok.  Then last night he pulled down a heavy object off a table onto his head.  It got blue and swole up so fast we threw him in the car to take him to the after hours clinic to have him checked out.  This was our first issue with something hitting his head so it freaked us out. 

They said they thought he was fine but to check him every couple hours and to watch for vomiting and not being able to wake up.  Do I even need to say that I didn't get a lot of sleep because I kept checking the video monitor to make sure he was ok?  And wouldn't you know it...I have had to get up with him every night at least once and usually for an hour at a time for the last week...except last night.  He slept and I didn't.

This week is full of meetings at work and Dr.'s appt's for me and Max.  It is a crazy week and I had hoped to get some X-mas decorating done on my lunches, but I don't think that will happen at all.  I wish we could have gotten it done this last weekend, but we were trying to keep Daren away from Max and there is no way I could have brought the boxes up and worked on the decorating while watching Max.  He is a maniac lately.  Not sure if it is a preview of the terrible two's or a little bit of the teething he is going through with getting his molars in.  Oh, then I just remembered the cookie party for my mom's group and a baby shower this weekend.  I'm hoping it slows down next year sometime!!!!!

By the way I'm not sure if I said it before but his daycare acted like I was wrong about him teething when he got the last round of hand foot and mouth, saying that they have similar symptoms so it is easy to confuse the two...well I was soo right.  I think all 4 are coming in and taking their turns. They all look to be in different stages with one fully through, one partially through, one where you can see the tooth still under the gum and the last one swollen and soon to show white under the gums.  Of course this was last week when I checked and hopefully when I try to get another look tomorrow I will see more progress.

Ok, I just have to note some changes I have seen in Max lately and then I am totally calling it an early night and going to bed.  He just started changing what he calls his pacifier.  It went from "ba"(no clue why) to something that sounds like "pass".  It is really cute when he says it though.  Yesterday when I picked him up from daycare it was raining out and I was talking about it and all of a sudden I hear from the back seat "craining".  He also started saying "Granny" when Daren's mom got here, which I'm sure she loved.  I think my mom thinks she is going to run off with Max someday and I think secretly she is trying to get him to call her "mama".  Ok, maybe his attempt at "grandma" just sounds close...but I'm keeping my eye on her ;)

Hopefully I made a tiny bit of sense tonight, but just in case I didn't I'm blaming my recent lack of good sleep...and with that, I'm off to bed!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Internet down

I'm just starting to get back into everything since my internet went down right after my last blog post last Wed night and was completely down until Sunday.  I know it was only a couple of days, but it felt like it was forever!  Now we have family in town, staying with us, so I may not get any more time until this weekend to write any posts.  But I had to add in this picture....cracked me up!  I was trying to round up some things for Max to get his bath and when I turned around this is what I saw...

He was totally trying to see if there was any water that he could drink!  Silly boy...Thankfully there was no water there yet!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Full moon

I knew it!  I was right, there is a full moon this week and I wish it was already here and passed.  This week has been nuts.  I'm not kidding, the craziness really kicked in on Monday morning when I wasn't feeling well and found I had a low fever, looked in the mirror and noticed a gray nose hair!  I'm not even kidding.  I found  a gray nose hair...sticking out no less.  I just had pictures taken on Sunday.  Wouldn't that be funny if you could see it in the picture?  Now everyone who reads my blog and sees the pictures will be looking for the hair...don't lie, I know you will.

So I think I have a cold or sinus infection or something and I am praying that Max doesn't get it.  I swear everytime we try to make plans for anything he gets sick.  I'm not sure if we could plan a vacation if we wanted to right now.

Now if I can get a tiny bit of sleep tonight I might be able to face tomorrow and the next round of strange and unusual things to add to my list this week.  Just about anything has to be better than last night, so I will make sure that Max gets his medicine tonight to see if that helps him feel a bit better and therefore sleep better, and maybe I'll take a Benadryl so I can too.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Busy Busy Bee

Wow what a busy weekend we had.  It has carried over to this week and I think there may be no stopping the momentum at this point until a week after Thanksgiving.  We had family pictures taken.  I would be surprised if we get any shots back with Max actually smiling.  It is really rare for us to capture it with a camera.  He is usually very focused on something like playing or trying to get the camera that it just never works out.  Or the picture is super blurry because he is so active.

I also got to visit with my cousin Rachel who dropped off some Christmas stockings I asked her to make for me.  I saw some online that were a lot more than I wanted to pay and asked her if she could make them.  They were so good and I think they look exactly like the ones I saw online.  She did a wonderful job and I can't wait to see them up on the wall.

After that I went to the Chambanamoms birthday bash.  I got to visit with some local moms, have a bit of wine and had a good time.

Back at home, we are still trying to get back to our latest version of normal.  Ever since the last round of illness we have been going back through the sleep training process...or my version of it anyway.  Last night I only had to go into his room once for a few minutes and that was it.  He woke up a few times after that, but put himself back to sleep quickly.  I think I only checked the monitor once or twice after getting up.

I think the little man may be going through a growth spurt.  He is definitely eating much better than he had been.  I have been impressed several times this week already.  Especially that he seemed to really enjoy eating lima beans.  His daddy on the other hand does not share that feeling :)  I however, like them just fine.

There have been a few more changes too.  In the last couple weeks, Max has started talking like crazy.  Not just single words, but babbling like he really has something to say.  He talks a lot!  I wish I knew what he was saying though.  I'm sure it would be interesting.  I guess I will have to start watching what I say very soon.  My mom says that she thinks she heard him singing the other day.  I haven't seen it yet, but I can't wait to see that one.

I won't even go into all of the odd things going on so far Monday and Tuesday...not having the best luck and I would be willing to bet that there is a full moon soon.  I just hope it passes and our luck changes a bit..and quickly!  I need to keep moving forward instead of hitting walls and having to figure out how to get around them.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Photo Friday

Miss you both very much and hope you are together.  Sorry you never got to start your opium den with your poppy plants Grandpa :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Slowing down

The last 2 weeks have really thrown me off my game.  I have a lot going on at work and home and my brain needed a break.  Since I am looking into other options for daycare, it doesn't look like things will slow down until after the holidays.  At least everyone is starting to feel a little better.  Just have to hope it stays that way for the holidays and the family visits.

The time change is throwing us off too.  Poor little man is tired early and I keep waking up an hour earlier than I need to.

Now if I can only keep Max from hurting himself and getting anymore bruises on his face for the family pictures this weekend.  I thought we were doing really well until he got up this morning with a couple scratches on his face, then he was standing on a small ottoman and when getting down, one foot slipped a little and his head hit a couple times on the table beside.  He didn't cry, but I'm just sure there will be a bruise for picture time.  Oh well....he is a boy!  I think I will just settle for no viruses at this point.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Random thoughts

I wasn't traumatized by tuna noodle casserole when I was a child.   My mom didn't make me sit down and eat every last bite before I was allowed to get up from the table(that I remember).  I'm pretty sure I liked it too, but for some reason, I don't ever want to have it or make it as an adult.  I have no clue why, but it just isn't going to happen.  I keep thinking that I know it is probably easy to make and fairly inexpensive, so maybe my drive to find meals just like this will change my mind.  So far, not so much.  I wonder when Max gets older and goes to a friends home for dinner...will they serve tuna noodle casserole and will he love it, come home and ask me to make it.  I suppose for the love of my son, I would do it. 

I keep trying to think of other meals that I feel the same way about but I really can't.  Are there any that you feel the same way about?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Photo Friday delayed

This week has been a little crazy.  Poor Max has been so sick with yet another round of Hand Foot and Mouth.  That's right...his 3rd time.  And if anyone is counting...so far since Feb, he has had countless ear infections resulting in getting tubes put in, 2 bouts of Croup, a stomach virus, Roseola, what I believe was the Norovirus and 3 rounds of Hand Foot and Mouth along with several colds.

This last round was particularly painful for him and Tuesday morning he only ate about half his breakfast and not much again until Friday.  Getting him to drink was challenging.  We are still working on getting his diet back to normal, but because of the little food he actually would eat, he had painful gas and come constipation.  He still has a ton of marks on his tongue where so many of the blisters were.  I didn't even get to look in his throat where the doctor said there were a ton.

At this point I completely blame his daycare and know am now in the process of looking for other options.  Hopefully we will find what we are looking for very soon.

On to happier moments...like just before Max started to get really sick... I took this picture of him on Halloween.  It is blurry, but I like it  :)  We didn't get many pictures of him that weren't blurred because he was moving so much.

The three-eyed monster and his daddy.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sick again??!!

I can't even begin to talk about how upset I have been since Tuesday when I had to go pick up Max from daycare because they said they found some sores in his mouth and Hand Foot and Mouth is going around again.  This is his third time and the worst he has ever had it.  He is so very miserable it is breaking my heart.  Please please let him get some relief soon!

I think it is time for a change!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Another tooth!?

The little one just got his 8th tooth last week, while his favorite teacher at daycare was on vacation.  He was a bear.  But I'm afraid this week may be worse.  Yesterday I noticed that one side of his gums were seriously swollen...I tried to look, but was only able to see one section of his gums.  He was keeping his mouth shut!  I think last night he woke up twice before I went to bed and I had to soothe him, then about every hour after that, but he went back to sleep on his own, after waking us up of course...and always in the middle of a dream.

He has been doing soo much better with his sleeping lately so I don't know if I should hope that all four molars are coming in at once or one at a time.  I just feel bad for him, he wanted to be held a lot this weekend.  He would hold his arms up to me and cry "momma" or "baby".  Not sure where the "baby" part came from, but either way I knew that he wanted to be held. 

I had started to wonder if he was getting a cold or if it was the "terrible two's" starting early.  I'm glad it's a tooth, but I just hate him being in pain.  And boy does he get bad breath in the morning from all of that drool.  And trying to brush his teeth....I don't think so!  I ordered a new toothbrush for him last week that I thought he would like and it will probably arrive today, but I'm guessing I won't be able to get him to use it today.  I can hope... and hold my breath in the morning if not :)