
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wanted: Mommy Mentor

How did I get to this place of not being able accomplish anything at home?  Do I have too much going on?  Nope...just became a mommy.  I still laugh when I think of the people that used to say, "sleep when the baby sleeps."  Right.  Obviously, these were not people whose child only slept twenty minutes at a time, had a low supply of breastmilk, had to pump after every feeding, then wash everything so I could start the process over again in a little while.  By the time I was done washing...and sometimes during the pumping or washing, the baby would wake up.  Now what!

We also had problems breast feeding to begin with and it took a month until Max started breastfeeding normally but I still had to do a lot of pumping, especially when I started back to work to try to keep it up.  It was a constant struggle to keep my supply up, and after 7 1/2 months I started drying up and eeked by until Max was 8 months when we had to stop.

All during this frustrating time I just knew that I was not the only person to go through these struggles and wondered how all of these people make everything look so easy.  I keep thinking that even now, as Max turns into a high energy, fearless 14 mo. old.  I know what I needed and still need today...a mommy mentor.  One that has been through it all, figured it all out and makes everything look easy.  In my mind she is like a Super Nanny/Mary Poppins for mommies.  Maybe I'll even give her a British accent for fun.  My mommy mentor...oh, let's call her Peggy.

I would like to think that Peggy would spend a few days with me and tell me how to organize the kitchen to make things easier, go shopping with me to help me figure out what the heck to buy, then what the heck to eat, then how in the heck to make it while your son cries on the other side of the gate because you are not letting him come out there and help you. 

Oh yeah did I mention my child is fearless?  Recently, he stood up on his rocking giraffe toy and rocked back and forth while standing and using no hands.  He laughed hysterically, even as he kept falling down off of it.  Watch out X-games!  So you can imagine how afraid I would be to have him in the kitchen while I am actually doing anything half way dangerous.

Super Peggy(I just gave her a raise, in title only, because she has been so busy) would also tell me the right sippy cup to use that won't spill milk all over and still allow us to get Max off the bottle.  Peggy would show me how to organize my time so that I can actually have a clean house and find the time to work out and have a bit of personal time.  Oh Peggy, you are so awesome, did I mention that you are also an efficiency specialist?  I have so many questions for you.  Peggy, when can you start?

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